Peer to Peer

September 2009

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the quarterly magazine of ILTA 85 Peer to Peer PayneGroup Document Security and Automation Specialists. Products include MetadataAssistant, OutlookSendAssistant, FormsAssistant, and NumberingAssistant. MasterSeries and end-user training/ courseware with emphasis on Office2007. Migraiton Consulting, Project Management services. Soundpath, a Premiere Global Serices Company Soundpath, a Premiere Global Services Company, is the only audio and Web conferencing service designed exclusively to meet the needs of major law firms. Our patented online billing, account management and reporting tools provide lawyers and administrators with 24/7 access to invoices, call usage and account information. With our Microsoft Outlook plug-in, scheduling conferencing calls is simple and intuitive. Soundpath, created by lawyers for lawyers. Providea Conferencing, LLC Providea Conferencing offers a full suite of high-definition video conferencing, professional services and audio visual solutions, along with comprehensive system and network design consultation and world-class support. Our customer base includes prestigious leading law firms, major financial services companies, innovative technology companies, and world renowned hospitals. Stratify Stratify, an Iron Mountain Company, provides advanced eDiscovery services that minimize risk, reduce costs, and simplify the eDiscovery process for law firms and General Counsel. The Stratify Legal Discovery™ service is a hosted solution that provides easy-to-use concept-based review, near-duplicate detection and advanced analytics, and robust multi-language support for high-productivity reviews. Recommind Recommind is the leader in search- powered information risk management software for the legal market. Leading firms and corporate counsel rely on Recommind's MindServer Legal to quickly and easily search documents, matters and expertise. By leveraging conceptual search and categorization technology across critical information systems, Recommind is able to concurrently address an organization's most pressing knowledge management, e-mail management, compliance and e-disclosure needs. TOSS® Corporation Architects and implementors of North America's Premiere Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity, Storage and Accelerated Backup Technologies to the Legal Industry. With over 25 years of experience and enthusiastic clients from coast to coast, make it a point to Stop By Booth 303. See A Demo. Win an IPOD Today!

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