Peer to Peer

September 2009

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the quarterly magazine of ILTA 5 Peer to Peer from the director ILTA STAFF Administrative Randi Mayes executive diRectoR cRistin Gaffney accountinG adMinistRatoR GRace PalMa concieRGe - MeMbeR seRvices adMinistRatoR Programming and Vendor Relations PeGGy WechsleR PRoGRaM diRectoR tJ Johnson confeRence cooRdinatoR Ken hansen vendoR cooRdinatoR Judy couvillion ReGional cooRdinatoR GaynoR senyszyn PeeR GRouP cooRdinatoR deb hiMsel RoadshoW events cooRdinatoR anGela RoaRK adMinistRative assistant IT and Online Services clay Gibney it diRectoR Jeanne MaRtinez online seRvices adMinistRatoR Publications anne fliPPin ManaGinG editoR Kendall Mayes cReative desiGn sPecialist C onceptualizing the cover art for this issue of Peer to Peer brought to mind several metaphors for professional development, but none resonate as strongly for me as "growth." Like a plant that requires nourishment and proper climate to support a deeper root structure, greater height and expanse, and finally a blossoming and germination, so, too, there is a path of growth and maturation for anyone who seeks deeper knowledge, richer experiences, broader exposure and greater responsibilities. Jonas Salk said, "The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more." And so it goes along the path of professional development, with the ultimate goal, in my view, of mentoring others toward greater possibilities. There are numerous inspirational quotations around leadership and professional development, and I'll slip in a favorite of mine (and the second quote for the intro, in case you're counting) from Adlai Stevenson: "It's hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse." Our contributors offer sage advice on how to feel really good on that horse. They might have a few tips for the horse, too. Applying project management tools to professional development; working with a professional coach; moving from the mindset of trainer to performance coach — these are just a few of the concepts our authors explore. Enjoy their words of wisdom, often grown from seeds planted by those who blossomed before them. Randi Mayes executive director

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