Interactive 2014

SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide

SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide: Tomorrow Happens Here

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CAROLINE ST. ROMAIN v v FRIDAY, MARCH 7 3:30 PM Margot Bloomstein Appropriate Inc Brand & Content Strategist #goodstrat 3:30 PM Dan Hou Huge Director of Strategy #catGIFsplz 3:30 PM Stephen Land GSD&M Creative Director & Writer #DigitalAds 3:30 PM Elijah May The Experience Firm Managing Partner #ElijahMay 3:30 PM Ben Thoma Creative Mornings Founder #Ben Thomo 3:30 PM Rena Tom Makeshift Society Founder #freelance 5:00 PM Eugene Hsu Heuge Hardcore Data Geek #PCAstrat 5:00 PM Michael Robin Manning Rocksauce Studios Marketing Director #womenmktg 5:00 PM Russ Somers Invodo VP of Marketing #Videomktg 5:00 PM Rick Timmins Cntrl TX Angel Ntk Investor #RickTimmins 5:00 PM Cesar Vazquez CCAN Ventures LLC Chief Exec Manger #CesarVazquez 5:00 PM Nazli Yuzak Dell Sr Dgtl Opt. Conslt #Nazli Yuzak SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival 181 SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival 181 SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival 180 181 SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival SXSW INTERACTIVE MENTORS HILTON GARDEN INN, 10TH FLOOR ATRIUM: 12400 NORTH IH-35 SPECIAL PROGRAMS SPECIAL PROGRAMS Palm Park Brush Park Square Duncan Park Auditorium Shores Waterloo Park Brackenridge Hospital University of Texas NORTH Capitol of Texas LAMBIE STREET IH 35 IH 35 BIERCE STR EET 100 200 100 100 100 300 400 500 600 700 800 200 300 300 400 400 500 500 600 600 700 900 SOUTH CONGRESS COLORADO STREET SOUTH LAMAR BLVD LAMAR BLVD LAVACA SOUTH 1ST STREET BRAZOS STREET SABINE STREET SABINE STREET SABINE SABINE SAN JACINTO BLVD SAN JACINTO BLVD TRINITY STREET RED RIVER STREET CONGRESS AVENUE COLORADO STREET GUADALUPE STREET SAN ANTONIO STREET PEARL STREET NUECES STREET RAINEY STREET RIVER STREET HOLLY STREET DAVIS ST DRISKILL STREET EAST AVENUE RIO GRANDE STREET WEST STREET SHOAL CREEK BLVD SAN JACINTO BLVD TRINITY STREET RED RIVER STREET 8TH STREET 7TH STREET 6TH STREET 5TH STREET 4TH STREET 3RD STREET 2ND STREET 3RD STREET BARTON SPRINGS ROAD RIVERSIDE DRIVE RIVERSIDE DRIVE RIVERSIDE DRIVE CESAR CHAVEZ STREET CESAR CHAVEZ STREET 7TH STREET 9TH STREET 13TH STREET 13TH STREET 14TH STREET 14TH STREET 9TH STREET MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD 10TH STREET 10TH STREET 12TH STREET 12TH STREET 11TH STREET 15TH STREET 15TH STREET 16TH STREET 17TH STREET 18TH STREET 6TH STREET 5TH STREET 4TH STREET NECHES STREET NECHES STREET BRAZOS STREET AUSTIN CONVENTION CENTER HILTON GARDEN INN Mentor Sessions SXSW Interactive Mentor Sessions, which launched at the 2012 event, provides a fo- rum for making valuable, one-on-one con- nections that can take your career to the next level. Mentor Sessions allow registrants to participate in a seven-minute meeting with an industry veteran or insider. Typically these short meetings provide a great forum for the mentor to dispense important ad- vice, guidance, counseling, and inspiration to their mentee. We encourage you to read the biographies of all the participating mentors before sign- ing up for a particular session (in order to find the person whose expertise and expe- rience best matches the kind of knowledge you want to gain at the event). Mentor slots fill up very quickly and require advance sign-up, so we encourage you to sign-up at

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