Interactive 2014

SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide

SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide: Tomorrow Happens Here

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SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival 96 97 SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival ENTERTAINMENT & IMMERSION THE DRISKILL HOTEL: 604 BRAZOS STREET FRIDAY, MARCH 7 2:00 PM Driskill Hotel: Driskill Ballroom Allyship: Becoming a Champion for Inclusion This panel will go beyond the notion of inclusion and acceptance of LGBT athletes in sport, and move to develop an understanding of how LGBT athletes can be celebrated and how momentum can be built around them to support a social movement. Present- ers will use their personal experiences to outline how activism and outreach through sports can foster real social change in a variety of contexts. Brendon Ayanbadejo, Jason Collins, LZ Granderson, Samantha Marchiano Panel • Intermediate • #allyship 3:30 PM Driskill Hotel: Driskill Ballroom Arena vs. Couch: The Battle of Game Day Experience The future of sports entertainment will be determined by how teams, media compa- nies and tech startups package fan experiences. The SF Giants, Univ. of Michigan and tech startup SportStream are top contenders in bringing fans exactly what they want, wherever they want. Learn how they apply tech and social media to attract fans to their experiences in venue and out. Bob Morgan, Bryan Srabian, John Ourand, Jordan Maleh Panel • Intermediate • #newgameday 3:30 PM Driskill Hotel: Jim Hogg Talking the Talk: Sports Lingo in Pop Culture Parallel to the globalized quality, sports also continue to retain something deeply local. This "glocal" (Roland Robertson) quality of contemporary sports has important cultural and linguistic ramifications. Comparing the trends of the past two decades, the session will highlight specific American cultural and linguistic developments to comparable phenomena in Europe. Andrei Markovits Core Conversation • Beginner • #SPORTLINGO 3:30 PM Driskill Hotel: Maximilian Social on the Field: Sports Stars & Social Goals Sports stars have incredible power through social media—often more than their club. It is a new frontier of fan and brand engagement. But, the rough comes with the smooth, and there are hazards as well as opportunities. This session will look at the correlation between social media performance and performance on the field—includ- ing what it's like from the player perspective. Richard Ayers Solo • Intermediate • #SocialGoal 5:00 PM Driskill Hotel: Driskill Ballroom The Future of Sports Can Be Found in the Data Whether it's wearable sensors with GPS capability or motion-tracking cameras ca- pable of capturing 25 images per second, the science of athletics has moved beyond heart-rate monitors and into the world of big data and analytics. Representatives from some of the world's leading firms will talk about how their products are changing the sports world and what lies ahead. Adir Shiffman, Ben Alamar, Brian Kopp, Kirk Goldsberry Panel • Intermediate • #sportsdata 5:00 PM Driskill Hotel: Jim Hogg Brands Can Champion the Power of Sport Simon Wardle, Octagon's Chief Strategy Officer, will reveal how Octagon research has quantified what drives fan passion and how fans indulge their passion for sports. The resulting insights will help brands use content, positioning, messaging, timing and channel selection to harness the power of sport and make consumers fall in love with their brand. Simon Wardle Core Conversation • Intermediate • #BrandSport 5:00 PM Driskill Hotel: Maximilian Check Online for Session Scheduled in This Timeslot Things change! Check our online schedules at or SXSW GO, our, mobile app, to find information about what will occur in this room at this time. We're sure it'll be really cool, whatever it is! #schedule SATURDAY, MARCH 8 9:30 AM Driskill Hotel: Driskill Ballroom Paid to Play: The Future of College Athletics The questions our presentation wants to ask, and then hopefully answer, is "What comes next for college athletics?" What are the models that might work? Can college athletics co-exist with the university model as it currently stands, or does it need to become something else entirely, even separating from the university system completely? Andy Staples , Spencer Hall, Chris Del Conte, Emmanuel Acho Panel • Intermediate • #Paid2Play 9:30 AM Driskill Hotel: Jim Hogg Sports Don't Look the Same Anymore In this Core Conversation, John T. Meyer, Founder of Statographics and Lemonly, will take a look at how we examine sports in 2014 differently than ever before. Meyer will examine how infographics, data visualizations, and interactive pieces have changed the landscape of sport. John Meyer Core Conversation • Intermediate • #sportsviz 9:30 AM Driskill Hotel: Maximilian Stop Pricing Tickets Like It's 1999 Most ticketing decisions, and pricing approaches, are made using outdated practices. Learn how better ticket pricing incorporating data from both the primary and second- ary market can be used to drive attendance and increase revenue, and even change fan purchasing behavior. Stop simply collecting data and start using it as the blueprint for better pricing. Barry Kahn, Grey Ivry Dual • Intermediate • #tixpricing 11:00 AM Driskill Hotel: Driskill Ballroom 24-Hour Sports in the Age of Bite-Sized Content Executives from several leading 24-hour sports networks talk about how to program in the age of bite-sized, disposable content. David Nathanson, Eric Weinberger, Jon Miller, Kaylee Hartung Panel • Intermediate • #sportstv 11:00 AM Driskill Hotel: Jim Hogg Sports Matter: The Need to Support Youth Sports Between 2009-2011, more than $3.5 billion in funding cuts have reduced opportu- nities for kids to play youth sports. Given our national obsession with professional sports, how this happening? As one effort to reverse the trend, the DICKS Sporting Goods Foundation is launching the "Sports Matter" initiative, but what else can we all do to help? Grant Garrison, Ryan Eckel Core Conversation • Intermediate • #SaveSports 11:00 AM Driskill Hotel: Maximilian Freediving—The Tanya Streeter Experience ESPN's Nine for IX—No Limits film, aired in the summer of 2013, took an in-depth look at the safety procedures implemented by my team (led by Paul Streeter), and the team of Audrey Mestre, (led by her husband, Pipin Ferraras) who died during her WR at- tempt. We all have limits, we just don't know where they are. To "Redefine Your Limits" is to discover your human potential. Tanya Streeter, Paul Streeter Dual • Intermediate • #9f9limits 12:30 PM Driskill Hotel: Driskill Ballroom What's New in Fantasy Sports Today, fantasy sports is more than a $4 billion industry. The Internet enabled league growth, pro sports leagues embraced fantasy, and fan appetite for fantasy data and information kept growing. This panel will cover some of the more recent developments, products and apps in the space, which makes it a "must" for anyone interested in next generation fantasy products. Andrew Cleland, Clay Walker, Cory Mummery, Stephania Bell Panel • Intermediate • #newfantasy FESTIVAL SESSIONS

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