Potato Grower

July 2014

Issue link: https://read.uberflip.com/i/332225

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Patent pending. Always read and follow label directions and precautions. Elixir TM and UPI logo are trademarks of United Phosphorus, Inc. ©May, 2014. United Phosphorus, Inc., 630 Freedom Business Center, King of Prussia, PA 19406. www.upi-usa.com. ELIXIR FUNGICIDE WILL BE AVAILABLE ON A LIMITED BASIS IN 2014. CHECK YOUR STATE FOR REGISTRATION. Doing Things Better. e l i x i r TM Elixir isn't the tonic for what ails you. New Elixir is a dry flowable, multi-site, protectant fungicide specifically designed for your potato crop. When applied at the beginning of your disease management program, Elixir controls both early and late blight. With one easy per acre use rate, Elixir can be applied up to ten times per growing season. Elixir fungicide, an effective and economical option for potato protection with very low risk of building resistance. To learn more, contact your UPI representative today. i s noT a r e M ed y f or Too Th a ch es . But it goes a long way in preventing Blight. Uniquely formulated to protect potatoes. 145600UniPho1p.indd 1 6/4/14 10:52 AM

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