Potato Grower

September 2014

Issue link: https://read.uberflip.com/i/369394

Contents of this Issue


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It's time for proven crop protection and desiccation from FMC. What would you do if you could begin to stop aphids and the spread of PVY within 30 minutes? How would you benefit from improved control over just about anything that chews, bites or burrows? What if late blight and early blight were less of a worry? And what if you could further enhance your desiccation program? To find the answers, as well as see the possibilities, contact your FMC Star Retailer, call 888-59-FMC-AG or visit FMCcrop.com. Always read and follow label directions. Gladiator, Hero Insecticide, Aim EC and Capture LFR are not registered for sale or use in California. Capture LFR, Athena, Brigadier, Hero and Gladiator are restricted use pesticides. FMC, Capture, LFR, Aim, Brigadier, Hero, Athena, Rovral and Gladiator are trademarks and Investing in farming's future is a service mark of FMC Corporation. Beleaf and Ranman are trademarks of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd. ©2014 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved. F100-031645 01/14

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