
Issue 76

Monthly newspaper and online publication targeting 18 to 35 year olds. The ultimate guide to the hottest parties, going out and having fun. Music, fashion, film, travel, festivals, technology, comedy, and parties! London, Barcelona, Miami and Ibiza.

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12 Issue 76 / 2015 GUESTLIST Set up by DJ John 00 Fleming last year, Brighton Music Conference is the UK's only dedicated electronic music conference for the industry by the industry Across the 5th and 6th June, with panels, workshops, drop-in sessions and gadgets on show, BMC tackled issues at heart of the scene as well as offering attendees the opportunity to form new business relationships, hone their craft, and immerse themselves in the genre. The Professional Conference Programme consisted of panels discussing the current state and future of the industry, with the Academy Programme focusing on the next generation of talent and a series of Tech and Artist Showcases featuring some of the biggest names in audio equipment and software. We took a trip down to the south coast on the Friday to see what BMC was all about. The conference kicked off with the keynote address 'The Electronic Music Industry 2015 – Protecting The Dance Floor'. Hosted by AFEM Director Mark Lawrence and featuring Stuart Knight, Director of Toolroom Records, and Alan D Miller, Chairman of the NTIA, the address highlighted the new challenges facing night time operators in the UK and the importance of protecting the dance floor. The issues faced Glasgow venue The Arches is something we've talked about – the club closed due to licensing restrictions put in place by the Glasgow Licensing Board. The panel was concerned with the questions raised over the message that this sends, namely should clubs not call the police if incidents occur on their premises because it could get them shut down? There is the sense that our dance floors are being unfairly. Alan D Miller called it a war on alcohol, saying, "If people in Britain want to go out and enjoy themselves after 10pm, there are increasing obstacles. The latest is the wholly misguided concept of breathalysing citizens outside clubs, football stadiums and even McDonalds in Cambridge." Stuart Knight raised the issue that this is a serious industry full of professional people, and this deserves recognition. Holland was held up as an example, which again is something we've reported on before. Dance music is a viable career option in Holland and artists are celebrated. Amsterdam even has its own Night Mayor, who can facilitate a dialogue between the clubs and the authorities, and this has proved extremely successful – eight clubs has been given 24-hour licenses, and the city's nightlife generates huge revenue. Sadly this is not the same in the UK even though we are world leaders in the industry, we should be holding ourselves up more not clamping down. As Alan D Miller stated, "Crime is down, employment is up, UK music influences the world… This is a time to celebrate – not to regulate". After the keynote address, the technology exhibition began filling up. The show floor features some of the biggest names in DJ and professional audio equipment, including Allen & Heath, Numark, Pioneer DJ, Denon and Roland, and a host of other music businesses. The tech showcases offered a more in-depth look at brands and products, and this year the likes of Ableton, Novation, Native Instruments, Pioneer DJ, Vicoutics and Audio Technica Novation were all on show. The tech area proved extremely popular, with many attendees taking the opportunity to get their hands on the latest products on the market. The 'Novation Presents: On Stage with Paul Hartnoll And 8:58' showcase drew Brighton Music conference 2015

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