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Published by Northstar Travel Media Singapore Pte Ltd ISSN 2382-6061 MCI (P) 074/07/2015 PPS 1849/09/2014 (025581) NOVEMBER 2015 P4 VOICES: Tourist not a traveller P5 DATA BANK: Emerging destinations for South-east Asian travellers P13 YIN & YANG: Mr & Mrs Smith P14 DESTINATION: Hong Kong P17 PRODUCT FOCUS: Long Chim going a long way P18 GAME CHANGERS: Luzi Matzig P19 UNDER MY SKIN: Philip Yong TALKING POINT Like roses in Ireland, Asia is blooming 2 ROMANCE 10 From Sri Lanka with love CRUISE 6 Cruiseworld in China strikes gold TECHNOLOGY Airlines warned of 'danger sharks' 12 ROMANCE We all need a little romance in our lives whether it be candlit dinners on a secluded island, or a dreamy night on a luxury yacht sailing through the Andaman Sea. As Mr and Mrs Smith tell us in this issue, Asia has it all when it comes to total seclusion. Photo: iStock

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