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Published by Northstar Travel Media Singapore Pte Ltd ISSN 2382-6061 MCI (P) 074/07/2015 PPS 1849/09/2014 (025581) DECEMBER 2015 P3 VOICES: Dispatch from France P5 BUSINESS TRAVEL: Big spenders China, India on the move P6 TECH TALKING: HotelQuickly moves fast P7 READERS CHOICE AWARDS: Celebrating the Stars of the Industry P32 DESTINATION: Smiles are back in Thailand P34 CRUISE: Challenges ahead for Hong Kong P35 UNDER MY SKIN: The CEO who yearns for the forest REVEALED: The industry's star performers of 2015 The cream of Asia's travel and hospitality industry gathered in Singapore to salute the fi nalists in Travel Weekly Asia's 2015 Readers Choice Awards. As expected, the standard of entries was, without question, outstanding across the board. On inside pages, we reveal the winners. Photo: iStock COVER STORY China's $110 billion business travel market 4 TALKING POINT Old London Town through fresh eyes 2 DESTINATION Forget Elvis: Las Vegas embarks on new era 31 DESTINATION Outrigger very much at home in Thailand 33

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