SCORE Journal Issue 6 - 2016

SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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that isn't always featured on the racing broadcasts. "Because of technology and the internet, we're able to give so much more value than ever before," said Norman. "Everything we're creating using this medium is free. SCORE Journal has been one of our greatest successes in this medium and we are going to produce the publication in Spanish and Mandarin to meet the demands of our worldwide audience." SCORE's internet presence with its digital magazine, Facebook, and Instagram pages have definitely helped to grow its fan base of more than desert racers and their families. "In 2015 our increased fan base was responsible for picking the SCORE Baja 1000 as USA Today's number one motorsport event in the world," said Norman. SCORE's online media also includes exclusive web video content which is shared and available to anyone willing to watch. In 2015, 26 SCORE web- based videos were featured in four highlighted categories, Conquest, Guerrero, Roost, and Legends. These videos focused on racers, teams and veterans of the sport who have contributed to SCORE's growth and history over the years. In 2016, the video content continues with SCORE All-Out and The World Of SCORE video series. "Our online media gives racers the ability to easily share SCORE Journal articles or our web videos," said Norman. "This drives everyone to see all types of media we offer and we have such amazing, quality content." Making access to the variety of SCORE's media and marketing was made even easier with a new THE OFFICIAL OFF- ROAD RACING APP FEATURES EXCLUSIVE CONTENT AND THE ABILITY TO SEE LIVE STREAMING, MOBILE LIVE TRACKING, RACE INFO, STATS, REALTIME UPDATES,AND MUCH MORE. SCORE JOURNAL IS SCORE'S OFFICIAL PUBLICATION THAT HAS HELPED TO INCREASE SCORE'S FAN BASE BEYOND RACE TEAMS AND THEIR FAMILIES, TO OFF-ROAD ENTHUSIASTS AND AN INTERNATIONAL READERSHIP. 060 SCORE JOURNAL

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