
Issue 100

Monthly newspaper and online publication targeting 18 to 35 year olds. The ultimate guide to the hottest parties, going out and having fun. Music, fashion, film, travel, festivals, technology, comedy, and parties! London, Barcelona, Miami and Ibiza.

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10 ISSUE 100 / 2017 GUESTLIST YOUR SURVIVAL GUIDE TO LIFE FOLLOW @GUESTLISTDOTNET The media consists of both 'big' businesses, the government and publicly supported organisations like the BBC, an agency that is supposedly impartial. This means that the public is supposed to see a fair representation from each party, yet the BBC has had the following people calling it out for its blatant bias: Organisations like 38 Degrees called out the BBC's media bias as a smear campaign, their reporting of "Jeremy Corbyn has always been overtly biased against him and his leadership of the Labour Party." The Guardian points out the brazenness of their bias, " It staged a good Brexit debate, but by then its past bias had loaded the outcome. I am all for "due impartiality", but to whom is impartiality paying its due?" Most of the world is well aware of the rhetoric spoused by tabloids like the Daily Express. The vile comments by LBC and the Daily Mail staff have also long been the echo chamber of right wing Britain but when the BBC which is publicly funded and the stalwart of British culture so obviously and callously backs a particular political party we must call into question the very nature of this 'democracy'. It seems that this world's idea of a democracy is to put a government in power, have the government supported to the tune of millions from big business. Big business that then get a say in which laws are and are not passed. IS IT JUST ME OR IS THE BBC VERY TORY? Here are three things that happy people do every day: Find things to be grateful for The act of looking for things to be grateful about has a physical impact on your brain, releasing happy hormones, dopamine and serotonin. So get up and think of three things you have to be thankful for and feel the positive vibes roll through your day. Look for the positive Happiness is not about what happens to you but how you react to the things that happen to you. There are two ways to look at everything that happens to you, you can either look for the good in it, the solution or you can look at the negative and start moaning. Eat well Eating good nutritious food throughout the day will have a massive impact on your mood. Everyone knows that low feeling where they begin to get irritable only to realise it's because you skipped lunch. Remember feed your body good shit and get good shit out of yourself. 3 THINGS HAPPY PEOPLE DO Happiness is not something that you arrive at. It's not a destination that can be reached if you have more cash, a bigger house or a better car. Happiness is a state of mind that comes from you and the secret can be achieved by anyone!

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