SCORE Journal - Spanish

SCORE Journal Issue - JULY 2017_Spanish

SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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SCORE JOURNAL 102 SCORE MARKETPL ACE Join Us: #DRIVENTOWIN 1.866.611.1820 | DRIVENRACINGOIL.COM COMPETITION/RACE OILS Developed as a race-specific line of oils to deliver a competitive advantage without compromising durability, the XP series of Driven oils delivers winning performance and protection. SPECIALTY FLUIDS Driven offers powersports fluids designed to protect and enhance drivetrain components, suspension, fuel delivery and coolant systems so they thrive in the most demanding conditions. CLEANERS AND WAXES From cleaning external surfaces of mud and dirt, without harming paint, to properly cleaning hard-to-reach internal parts, Driv- en has the products to help you perform while looking your very best. Driven Racing Oil ™ understands the unique needs of powersports racers and enthusiasts, providing specialty lubricants, cleaners and break-in oils for MX bikes, ATVs, UTVs and more. These blends pro- vide the utmost in protection and performance. Driven has you cov- ered, whether you are using them on the track or off the road. The #1 Choice for UTVs! ® 4/C LOGO 4/C LOGO JOIN OUR TEAM! For more information about becoming a SCORE Sponsor Contact Jim Ryan

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