SCORE Journal

SCORE Journal - February 2018

SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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Roger Norman Hornored By The BaJa State Government On February 12th, 2018, the Tijuana Tourism and Convention Committee, the Tijuana city government and the State Secretary of Tourism, in coordination with SCORE International, presented SCORE CEO/President Roger Norman with the Outstanding Host and Honorary Ambassador of Baja California Award. The award was presented to Norman by the Baja California State Government at the Tijuana Cultural Center. The President of Tijuana Tourism and Convention Committee, Francisco Villegas, the Mayor of Tijuana, Juan Manuel Gastelum, and City Councilwoman Ivette Casillas were among the 300 people in attendance made up of municipal, state, and federal authorities, hotel association presidents, chamber of commerce members, racers and the media. Mayor Gastelum thanked SCORE International for last year’s Desert Challenge race, and offered all of his support for this year’s race, and congratulated Norman and VP of SCORE International Elise Norman, for receiving the award. Norman thanked all the members in attendance and shared that the SCORE Races for 2017 brought in 965 teams from 30 countries and 46 of the continental United States, as well as 1000 media members to Baja California, Mexico. Norman went on to thank all of the authorities in Baja, land owners, Ejidos, fans and the media for all their support. In addition to these two awards, SCORE International was also selected as one of the Top Sports Promoters of 2017 by the Tijuana Sports Writers Association. SCORE Fans Mourn The Loss of Chad Ragland SCORE International and race fans mourn the loss of Chad Ragland, who passed away January 24, after a courageous battle with Leukemia. Ragland is the son of legendary Baja racer and Off-Road Hall Of Fame Inductee Larry Ragland, and competed in numerous events, including SCORE races, within the Trophy Truck and UTV divisions dating back to 2004. Ragland also started a successful UTV accessory business called CageWRX. SCORE sends its heartfelt condolences and prayers to the Ragland family. SCORE Announces New Classes for 2018 Two new 3900 Series Stock Sportsman UTV classes are being added to SCORE events this year, with separate classes for Forced Induction and Normally Aspirated vehicles. Classes are designed for entry-level racing and allow stock production UTV models meeting SCORE safety regulations to compete. Class 7F is being introduced for stock frame mini or mid-size pickup trucks. Both two and four-wheel models are eligible in class. Engines must have a maximum of six cylinders and must be the same manufacturer as the vehicle’s body. Naturally aspirated engines are limited to 4.5L and forced induction power plants to 3.5L and sealed. Additional information on these classes is now online in UTV and Truck sections of the SCORE Rule Book.

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