The Wolverine

June July 2018

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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—— *PLEASE ADD SALES TAX FOR DELIVERY TO MI (6%), NC (7.5%), IN (7%) —— THE WOLVERINE • PO Box 2331 • Durham, NC 27702 (919) 688-0218 • MICHIGAN PANORAMIC PRINTS Capture a moment in Wolverine history as photographed in these five different panoramic prints taken by James Blakeway. Each print is 13.5" x 40" on Grade "A", pH neutral heavy art stock. PRINTS ARE AVAILABLE FRAMED OR UNFRAMED: UNFRAMED $29.95* +$11.50 S&H = $41.45 plus tax Unframed print size 13.5 x 40 on Grade "A", pH neutral heavy art stock. STANDARD FRAMED $99.95* +$16.00 S&H = $115.95 plus tax Standard framed print is mounted and backed by foam core in a black aluminum frame with tempered glass. SELECT FRAMED $149.95* +$18.00 S&H = $167.95 plus tax Standard framed print is single-matted, mounted and backed by foam core in a black aluminum frame with tempered glass. DELUXE FRAMED $209.95* (FREE S&H!) Deluxe framed print (pictured below) is double-matted in team colors in 1" wide aluminum textured frame with tempered glass. MI vs. Oregon State (Sept. 12, 2015) (Item #1379) MI vs. ND Night Game (Item #1378) MI Stadium Aerial View (Item #1353) The Big Chill at The Big House (Item #1375) MI vs. ND 2013 (Item #1354) PRICES STARTING AT $ 41.45 INCLUDES S&H

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