Northshore Magazine

Northshore January February 2021

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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NORTHSHOREMAG.COM 56 JANUARY + FEBRUARY 2021 S H O P + R E N E W CONTACT,, @solfitbeverly turn, you're going to be so much better for the people around you." Tardif agrees, saying that practicing self-care will give you the energy to achieve everything else that's on your plate. "Protect that time," she says. "You have to invest and do something for yourself." 10. RECONSIDER YOUR RESOLUTION TIMING While it's tempting to make big sweeping resolutions when the calendar flips to January, the cold, dark, dead of winter (when we naturally hold onto more weight) might not be the best time to do it. "It's really unfair to place all of that pressure on ourselves at the New Year," Tardif says. "Winter is a time when we like to be warm and cozy." She points out that according to ayurvedic medicine, spring is the best time for a fresh start. Instead of trying to shed pounds in the middle of winter, maybe start with daily meditative practices and other self-care priorities like staying hydrated or investing in regular massage. "Slow down, be more reflective. Don't necessarily think about shedding pounds," she says. Then be ready to step into an "energetic spring." classes a week at the gym,' then the goal is much more specific and they can get more easily excited by choosing from the many styles of group fitness classes offered." 5. MAKE SMALL CHANGES Your changes should start small, too. If you've spent the pandemic watching Netflix, don't overcommit to running every day. Instead, start taking a walk two mornings a week. "People come in with these really lofty goals. It's great but they have to just take it one day at a time," Bokat says. "This is about a lifestyle change. Anything more than what you were doing is the beginning of a lifestyle change." 6. PAVE YOUR PATH Do what you can for yourself to make it easier to commit to goals. For instance, Bokat suggests "setting your intentions mentally but also physically. Put out your gym clothes, set out your sneakers the night before. Set yourself up for success." 7. BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF Spending the weekend eating pizza on the couch doesn't mean that you have to abandon your healthy eating goals altogether. "We're all human and slip up, but that doesn't mean it's time to give up," says Gois. Springett echoes this. "Changing behavior and creating new habits is a learned skill that takes time, so don't get down on yourself if you 'slip up.' It's just a slip, not a fall, so don't give into the thought that you are an epic failure," she says. "Be patient and forgiving with yourself, recognize what caused the set back, and make the necessary adjustments." 8. AIM FOR BALANCE, NOT EXTREMES Look for moderation and balance as you work toward your goals. "Those who are successful with carrying out their New Year's Resolutions understand not to go to extremes," Springett says. "They know that balance is key and behavior change takes time." For instance, save an alcoholic drink or pizza for the weekend, Bokat says. "We're not about starvation or stripping everything away," she says. "The people who create balance with their food and exercise do the best with it." 9. PRIORITIZE YOURSELF Practicing self-care isn't selfish: It's the opposite. "Take that time for yourself," says Bokat. "In PHOTOGRAPHS, TOP TO BOTTOM BY JARED CHARNEY, BY HANNAH DAIGLE Ashley Springett is co-founder of Sol Fit in Beverly. Julie Bokat co-owner of Fuel Training in Newburyport

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