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IT WAS AN ESPECIALLY COOL, WET spring in southern Idaho, causing an added delay in the annual weed tour. However, enthusiastically leading her participants through the tour, Pamela J.S. Hutchinson added an interesting element. We were divided up into teams, where we stopped at Field 504 and observed the New Potato Variety Tolerance section. Each team member was asked to look at the details of the new potato and its tolerance to 1X and 2X rates of Chateau, Outlook and Reflex. Thankfully, it was a lovely sunny morning and the needed attention for a detailed report was carefully recorded on the handouts. After 30 minutes or so, we all gathered in our teams and compared notes. Choosing the variety that appeared to be the healthiest and the one that showed the least tolerance to herbicide applications was our task. Each team had a spokesperson who reported the results out loud to the other participants. Hutchinson enjoyed hearing the responses, which allowed all the participants to be interactive with the trials. We all learned valuable information as well. The next stop was on Fields 108/114, where we examined the trials of Russet Burbank and Ranger Russet tolerance to Matrix, Prowl H20 and Outlook at 3X rates. This included studies on potato variety tolerance to Prowl H20 and Prowl 3.3 EC post emergence, tuber yield and quality improvement with soil and foliar biostimulants, tolerance and weed control with Vida and Metribuzin and weed control with pre- and post-applied Rimsulfuron: Solida and Matrix. Additional weed management studies included the impact of hairy nightshade time of emergence on the spread of PVY in Russet Norkotah, tank-mixtures for control of metribuzin-resistant redroot pigweed, post emergence grass control, potato desiccants and weed control in potatoes Snake River Weed Control Tour 2010 Report from Aberdeen By Nancy Sanchez 12 Potato Grower | AUGUST 2010