Northshore Magazine

Northshore October 2022

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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NORTHSHOREMAG.COM 70 OCTOBER 2022 I N D E P T H Imagine going out for drinks with some friends—one of you wants to hit a taproom to explore the newest local brews, another wants a glass of really great wine from a small producer. But you just want a cocktail—preferably made with locally distilled gin. You could just go to a bar, but no one might get exactly what they want. Or you could go to Common Craft in Burlington. This hybrid, sprung from the brain of owner Larry Leibowitz—part of the dynamic restaurant duo who brought you Salem's Bambolina and Kokeshi—brings several small artisanal producers together in a unique space that once housed the Sears department store in the Burlington Mall. Where people used to shop for lawn mowers, power tools, and washer/dryers, a convivial crowd is now sipping on sour beer, locally crafted spirits, and small production Barolo. PHOTOGRAPHS BY CHRIS MCINTOSH, AND COURTESY OF COMMON CRAFT Common Craf t brings four ar tisanal makers under one roof. BY JEANNE O'BRIEN COFFEY CHOOSE YOUR ADVENTURE Clockwise from top, Idle Hands, Hermi Thrush, Elevage, and Deacon Giles

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