Turbo Diesel Register


Turbo Diesel Registry

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40 40 www.turbodieselregister.com www.turbodieselregister.com TDR 122 TDR 122 THE "PERFECT COLLECTION, VOLUME II" In an email blast to the writing staff, I asked the writers to mention some of the favorite articles they had authored. I really enjoyed reading the writers' recollections. I looked through their write-ups with an eye for nominating stories that I could include in a format to match the original "Perfect Collection, Volume I." Side note: How did we come up with the unique "Perfect Collection" name for these books? Previously, I wrote, "Perhaps we should emulate the country music singer David Allen Coe's efforts to write the perfect country music song by gathering a perfect collection of in-depth Turbo Diesel articles. Although I'm a modest guy, I'd say I did just that. Thus, we have the Perfect Collection, Volumes I and II." Now, which articles from the past would you say warranted my choice for the Perfect Collection, Volume II? How about the following stories: • Fourth Generation Truck Introductions • Maintenance • 6.7-Liter Engine Service and Repair • DEF/SCR Topics • CP4 Injection Pump Discussion • Lube Oil/Fuel Topics • Tips From the Body Shop So, TDR members, there you have it—a collection of articles that we can use, reference and share with others that have the desire to learn more about their trucks. As I added each article to the book I reread its contents to make sure it was timely and correct. Enjoy this new book, the "Perfect Collection, Volume II." Robert Patton TDR Editor PHOTOS FROM THE 2024 TDR CALENDAR CONTEST Norbe Puroll Weldon Sheard A Product, Event, or Article Review

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