Blue and Gold Illustrated

Nov. 25, 2013 Issue

Blue & Gold Illustrated: America's Foremost Authority on Notre Dame Football

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Get YOur Name iN the Game! Great Personalized Gifts for the Irish Fan! Grea Gift idet a! NOTRE DAME Stadium Stunt Card Print! Can you hear the roar of the crowd? they're cheering because it is YOUr DaY at the big game! these clever personalized framed stadium prints will fool your friends and will look great in your home or office. Please PriNt ClearlY uP tO 28 CharaCters tOtal Great PriCe! $4995 Use First and Last Name or Family Name! WelCOme WelCOme -ORDavid Jones Jones Family iNCluDes s&h each 11x14 custom print is framed in a 13x16 MDF frame with styrene image protection. YOur Name on stadium stunt cards anD photo caption in this personalized notre Dame print. PerFect For the oFFIce or at home! Please allow up to 3 weeks from order date for UPS delivery. NOTRE DAME Locker Room Jersey Print! YOUr naMe (up to 12 characters) on a notre Dame jersey in this personalized locker room print. PersONalizeD lOCker rOOm PriNt iNfOrmatiON: Please Print last naMe OnlY (up to 12 characters) Great PriCe! $4995 iNCluDes s&h Please Call FOr OtHer aVailaBle teaMs: College, nFl, MlB, nHl each 11x14 custom print is framed in a 13x16 MDF frame with styrene image protection. Please allow up to 3 weeks from order date for UPs delivery. o My check or money order made payable to BLUE & GOLD ILLUSTRATED is enclosed. QtY. item DesCriPtiON PriCe stadium Print $49.95 ea. tOtal locker room Jersey Print $49.95 ea. subtotal sales tax (nC=7.5%, in = 7%, Mi = 6%) TOTAL o Please charge to my: o Visa o MasterCard o american express o Discover Card no._________________________________________________ exp. Date _________ (Credit Card Charges Will Appear On Your Statement As Coman Publishing Co.) name_______________________________________________________ CVn# _______ address _________________________________________________________________ City________________________________________________ state______ Zip _______ (reQUireD) Daytime Phone #: (_________) _____________________________________ email address: ____________________________________________________________ BLUE AND GOLD ILLUSTRATED P.O. BOx 2331 • Durham, NC 27702 1-800-421-7751 VISIT OUR ONLINE STORE

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