GBI Express

Vol 24, Express 20

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GoldanDBlack express • volume 24, express 20 • 8 it when you see it. I saw it whenever I went down to visit him in Texas, just the way he directed the whole practice. Yeah, he spun it well, but a lot of guys spin it well. And when he came up here to our camp, I think the other coaches saw it as well, that he has a natural charisma about him that will serve him well. Ball and stick sense, a little bit of savvy, but what it really is a whole heap of motivation." Competitiveness, too, pulses through Blough, who publicly is trying to take the right tact to the quarterback battle. He wants to respect the current players on the roster, starter Danny Etling and redshirt sophomore Austin Appleby, but he also feels deeply that he can compete for the start- ing job. "It's the mental warrior, all the stuff needed behind the scenes in playing the quarterback position," Blough said of some of the intan- gibles he brings. "Austin Appleby and Danny Etling, both of those guys stepped in and played at young ages, so I can go in there and help the room by competing with them. When you have com- petition at a position like quar- terback, it makes the entire team better." For a program coming off a 1-11 season, increased compe- tition is crucial to keep players striving for playing time and not becoming content. "We have two good quarter- backs, we feel like, but he's pretty special," Coach Darrell Hazell said. Langston newton Likely by the end of next week, Newton will know if he can suit up for Purdue's football team next fall. The defensive end is hoping to get a waiver to play for the Boil- ermakers immediately after trans- ferring from Kentucky to be closer to an ailing grandfather. The Indianapolis native will be able to practice with the team in the spring regardless but is hopeful he won't have to sit out a season. "As soon as they can get me film, I'll be happy," Newton said. "As soon as I can get in with the team and as soon as I can get settled in, I'll be joyous. I'm that eager." Newton didn't play in a game during his two seasons with Ken- tucky, but Purdue defensive line coach Rubin Carter said he liked some of Newton's traits. Carter pointed to specific technique things — "great" hip flexibility, an ability to lunge and extend and get into the back- field, excellent body control and pad level, an ability to get skinny to slip through gaps and "ter- minate" plays on the offensive line of scrimmage — but he also mentioned some intangibles that could be essential to the line's per- formance. Carter said he likes how Newton keeps pushing on plays, having great pursuit and "chase- ability." "Not only does he do well in his area of responsibility, he can factor down the field and chase and pursue all the way to the op- posite sideline," Carter said. When asked what he could bring to the field, Newton said "discipline" and a "motor." Those qualities could meet immediate needs at his position, if Newton is able to play in 2014. Purdue has few players with ex- perience at end. Sophomores Evan Panfil and Jake Replogle are expected to be the starters after only one year of experience, but there's little proven depth behind them with Ryan Russell and Jalani Phillips expected to stay at a rush outside linebacker position in a 3-4 defense. "I'm excited to be here. I re- ally just want football season to come," Newton said. "I really want spring to start. I'm really excited to be with these guys." j Elite 11 Blough may have two quarterbacks in front of him on the depth chart, but he's eager to push incumbent starter Danny Etling and sophomore Austin Appleby this spring.

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