The Wolverine

November 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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BY JOHN BORTON A nticipation surged through Schembechler Hall, sweep- ing up everyone inside in a whirlwind of emotion on Nov. 16, 2006. The 11-0 Wolverines, ranked No. 2 in the nation, prepared to invade Columbus, take down No. 1-ranked Ohio State and move on to the national championship game. Bo Schembechler himself stood be- fore the Wolverines, summoning up the passion that served as rocket fuel for him in his long-running battle with the Buckeyes. He talked about seizing this opportunity, now, be- cause it lingered there for the taking. A day later, Schembechler departed this earth, having delivered his last impassioned entreaty. Two days later, the Wolverines came up three points shy in a Snakepit shootout amid sur- real circumstances. Only once since then, the very next year, has Michigan entered the Ohio State game with a shot at the Big Ten State Of the PrOgram Michigan Football Labors To Move Forward Brady Hoke made a big impression in his first year as U-M's head coach, posting an 11-2 record, but since the 2011 season, the Wolverines have gone just 18-15. PHOTO BY LON HORWEDEL

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