Northshore Magazine

April 2015

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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Page 53 of 204

Every Home a Stage. Steinway pianos are the overwhelming choice of concert professionals and venues the world over, including the Shalin Liu performance center in Rockport. But a Steinway can also bring beautiful music and breathtaking style to any home. e timeless design of a Steinway can set a dramatic tone in your home. Each hand-made Steinway is an individual work of art that fills a room, with rich sound and elegant style. Visit an M. Steinert & Sons showroom in Boston or the Natick Mall to discover how you can make a Steinway a centerpiece in your own home. Boston | Natick 855-219-1854 e Finest Pianos in New England for Over 150 Years

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