Travel Guide to Florida

2017 Travel Guide to Florida

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36 2017 TRAVEL GUIDE TO FLORIDA REGIONAL APPEALS Today, more than 12 percent of all Florida real estate transactions involve a foreign buyer. Two key reasons for their interest are the state's warm-weather location and homes that offer a good value—a winning combination for any buyer. Due to its global appeal, Florida has large second-home communities populated by Canadian, European, Russian and Latin American occupants, as well as those from elsewhere in the USA. While US and international visitors purchase homes and condos throughout the state, four regions tend to attract the largest share of second-home purchases: Southeast, Southwest, Central and the Panhandle. Southeast Florida has traditionally attracted buyers from the Northeast US, Canada, Europe and Latin America. Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton and West Palm Beach have many waterfront condos and apartments that appeal to those accustomed to a faster-paced lifestyle, which includes cultural, shopping, dining and sports activities. Southwest Florida historically appeals to buyers from the Midwest, Canada and Europe. Golf, boating and white, sandy beaches are among the major attractions. This is a preferred destination for empty nesters and retirees who want a relaxing lifestyle. Central Florida is prime family vacation territory, attracting buyers from throughout the US and around the world. The primary appeal: owning or renting a home near Orlando's theme parks and just a short drive from the beach. The Panhandle primarily attracts buyers from throughout the southeastern US. With its miles of beaches and small-town communities, the state's northwestern region appeals to families and friends also seeking a weekend getaway within a few hours' drive from home. CONSULT THE EXPERTS For the past few years, prices for vacation homes and condos have been rising gradually in many Florida markets. Be sure to take a close look at the local community, since pricing and inventory of residences for sale can vary dramatically from neighbor- hood to neighborhood or from building to building. For vacation-oriented buyers, it's best to avoid buying a foreclosure or a distressed property and to look for a home or condo that's in "move-in" condition. Since financing a second home is an important consideration, take time to talk with several lenders about mortgage terms. One source is the Florida Association of Mortgage Professionals, which offers an online directory. It's also a good idea to talk with an attorney before buying a home. Obtaining legal advice in advance can help you protect your investment and minimize potential tax liabilities. The Florida Bar offers an online "find a lawyer" service. While it may take a little time to navigate the legal and financial issues, purchasing a Florida home can turn a great short-term visit into an appealing long-term lifestyle. CLOCKWISE FROM CENTER LEFT: BROCREATIVE/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM; ROB HARRIS; THE BREAKERS PALM BEACH; WESTGATE RIVER RANCH RESORT & RODEO LEFT: Kitchen at Minto's Sun City Center, a premier community between Tampa and Sarasota. BELOW: A vacation rental with a backyard swimming pool. VA C AT I O N H O M E S Anna Maria Vacations Dale E. Peterson Vacations Dezer Properties Florida Association of Mortgage Professionals Florida Realtors Lennar Minto Group Inc. Old San Jose On Top of the World Riva Royal Shell Vacations The Florida Bar The Related Group The Villages Toll Brothers FEATURED LINKS

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