Northshore Magazine

Northshore March 2018

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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96 MARCH 2018 school's student advisory board, and sent a delegation to the school's career fair. To ease the burden on local police and fire departments, Boston Children's at Peabody has a nationally certified technician to handle children's car seat installations. e clinic's lobby features a rotating exhibition from Express Yourself, a youth arts organization based in Beverly. D'Onofrio is a regular at local chamber of commerce and American Red Cross meetings. "e spirit and the amount of love that the city of Peabody has—the city, the businesses, the community at large—is amazing," D'Onofrio says. Among the most important initiatives, Dr. Peter Raffalli, a neurologist at Boston Children's Hospital and the director of the Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention and Advocacy Collaborative, leads a town hall–style presentation for summer campers at the Peabody YMCA each year. e gist of the presentation involves identifying the true nature of bullying ("It's important that kids know that it's more than / I N - D E P T H / PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF BOSTON CHILDREN'S AT PEABODY The annual Winter Wonderland event is a holiday open house that drew an audience of more than 600 last year, along with 82 volunteers from local businesses.

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