Northshore Magazine

Northshore March 2018

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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Martha Anger Realtor, GRI, CBR, SRES 978-865-1245 "From start to finish, Martha proved to be a valuable asset in helping me locate and purchase a home in Gloucester. Martha's patience, gentle guidance, and professionalism consistently displayed itself. Martha has the skills to broker transactions with a variety of people in a pleasant yet business-like manner. I would say she has been the most efficient and professional buyer's agent I have ever worked with, and I recommend her with no reservations." —Gloucester Resident 7 Crombie Street Unit 9 SALEM | $349,900 | UAG 2 Ocean Avenue Unit 2-I GLOUCESTER | $199,000 Julie Gamble Smith Realtor, ABR 978-337-9644 "Julie Smith was the realtor for the sale of my home in Manchester. I cannot recommend her work enough. She helped me through all stages of the sale from advice on preparing my house for showing to negotiating with the buyers. e marketing materials she produced were top notch and the photography she had done was outstanding. On a personal level Julie is a pleasure to work with. She is warm and engaging with highly effective communication skills. I highly recommend Julie Smith." —Manchester Resident 920 Hale Street BEVERLY | $1,200,000

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