Idaho Falls

June 2018

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68 IDAHO FALLS MAGAZINE JUNE 2018 expect, the book is packed full of heartfelt testimonials, including some tear-jerkers from the young campers themselves. "Camp means having a home to go to where no one judges you for what you look like or who you are," writes camper McKenzie Thompson, who was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in 2010. "[It means] feeling loved and wanted constant- ly, having someone to talk to who has gone through what you have gone through and understands, and having a place where you can be you." The book launched with a signing party and sale on May 19 at Great Harvest in Historic Downtown Idaho Falls. Along with the main oncology camp in June, the SIB camp (So Important Brothers & Sisters Weekend) takes place in January, while the Mom's Retreat is set for October and the Dad's Work Weekend occurs in August. The main 2018 camp is set for June 17-23. To obtain further details and an application form, visit or call 208-483-4345. I Wonder Why... by Izeyah Yenter I wonder why He chose me, A cell growing out of control so rapidly. I wonder why He chose me, A tumor on my brainstem that nobody could see. I wonder why He chose me, A year to live, it just can't be. There are so many things that I still want to be, I wonder why He chose me. Hospitals, doctors, MRI scans, and shots, the pills I can swallow, the Think-It I can not. I wonder why He chose me, To teach me and the world that only He holds the key To miracles, cures, blessings, and love, God holds the keys to all of the above. I no longer wonder why He chose me, I live every day as if it is my last and be the best I can be. Editor's Note: As stated in "Portraits of Joy," a collaborative book celebrating Camp Magical Moments, Izeyah's poem ended up winning the National PTA Refl ections Program's "Outstanding Interpretation Award" for literature. Izeyah was informed that he had won the pro- gram's state-level award just the day before his death from a brain tumor in 2006. expect, the book is packed full of heartfelt testimonials, including gram's state-level award just the day before his death from a brain tumor in 2006. Moments to Remember continued from page 22. Have you been the recipient of a good deed from another, who asked for nothing in return? Perhaps that person didn't even iden- tify himself or herself. Now is your opportunity to pay it forward! Use one of the cards below to pass along and share the joy. You can Pay it Forward anytime you like.

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