White Papers

Driving firm wide adoption of performance-based design

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4 Copyright ©2014 Sefaira Ltd. DR IVING ADOPTION OF PER FOR MANCE- BASED DESIGN Unfortunately, there's no magic "Roll Out!" button that implements change across an entire firm. Instead, employees need a structured way to be introduced to change, support as they work to adopt the change, and a clear understanding of expectations for success. This process best proceeds with small projects that gradually grow in complexity, and benefits from the input and guidance of in-house Design Champions. The Design Champion Design Champions are members your firm who are already focused to some degree on building performance. Often, they are the firm's sustainability expert. They may have a relevant functional expertise, or may simply be passionate about building per- formance. Engaging them early ensures that they can serve as advocates and learning resources for the rest of the firm. Structuring Success No matter how motivated or skilled a Design Champion is, you will need to provide him with a learning plan. Clear objectives, reasonable scope, and adequate time are all critical to a Design Champion internalizing this new PBD approach. There is likely already work in-house that could support a Design Champion's initial learning: • Working on a project bid? Task the Design Champion to identify the most signifi- cant drivers of operational performance. You may or may not present these to the client this time around, but the insight gained can inform initial massing and siting studies once the bid is won. • Working on a window spec? Have the Design Champion evaluate the selected product's daylighting or thermal performance. His analysis won't be the only decision driver (material cost, product availability, and aesthetics obviously come in to play), but if Champion can state with certainty how the product in question affects performance, then it's a valuable exercise. • Wondering about rules of thumb? The Design Champion could evaluate an existing design's performance (and thus your firms status quo abilities) against a range of performance benchmarks. Enable Design Champions 1 4 3 2 INNOVATE DL #2 STAFF #4 STAFF #6 STAFF #5 SUPPORT FEEDBACK STAFF #1 STAFF #2 SUPPORT FEEDBACK SUPPORT FEEDBACK DL #1 DESIGN LEADER STAFF #3 KC KNOWLEDGE CENTER DC DESIGN CHAMPION SUPPORT FEEDBACK SUPPORT FEEDBACK SUPPORT FEEDBACK B E C O M E S The Design Champion is an advocate and expert PBD resource for Design Leaders. Design Leaders - often PM's or studio leaders - drive and support the use of PBD among the firm's staff designers.

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