Contact center

4 Evaluation essentials for personalizing and innovating your customer service

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INTRODUCTION 2 It has long been standard practice for businesses of all sizes to operate contact centers, thereby allowing customers to ask questions with a live agent who can provide feedback and troubleshoot issues in real time. However, as we move further into the 21st century, a single channel of contact is no longer enough to satisfy today's sophisticated, digitally minded consumer. Customers who are used to an increased level of personalization expect to communicate with an organization through the channel of their choice, over the phone, or through chat. In addition, they expect communication to be simple, fast, and consistent. That's where a contact center can help. Simplifying setup and management However, for small and medium-sized businesses, setting up and operating a contact center, even on a small scale, can be complex and costly. It is often difficult to set up, configure, and use the platform to fit the needs of the business. Once the contact center is operational, the business is typically stuck with the technology. Adding new features and optimizing workflows can take months, and this is if the company only uses a single system. Many businesses require multiple solutions to serve the needs of the business, which can add additional complexity. Using a cloud-based contact center can help small businesses avoid many of the traditional contact center traps altogether. The future of cloud-based platforms allows for simplified setup and management, flexible scaling, and out-of-the-box AI at a lower cost of operations. As more and more businesses are moving operations to the cloud, it pays to learn how your contact center could benefit. Why do small and medium-sized businesses need a contact center solution?

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