Use Case

COVID-19 Air Quality Monitoring (Talkpool use case CO2 meter)

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Insights into the air quality in your classroom, shopping center or office space. Enables accurate follow-up action to prevent COVID-19 spread and improve indoor conditions. Powered by Talkpool's OY1210 LoRaWAN CO2 meter. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has made it clearer than ever before that we need to reconsider the importance of indoor air quality. It is of crucial important to have proper ventilation in indoor environments such as classrooms and office spaces in order to minimize the risk of viruses spreading. Benefits • Prevention of problematic indoor air quality • Creating a safe and healthy environment in buildings • Historical data can be used to indicate structural problems Talkpool's OY1210 LoRaWAN CO2 meter Talkpool's solution quickly makes the indoor air quality of a room insightful in a digital dashboard. On top of that, it provides alarms via email or SMS when threshold levels are breached, so immediate action can be taken to improve the ventilation and safeguard the room occupants' well-being. COVID-19 Air Quality Monitoring Use case for Talkpool's OY1210 LoRaWAN CO2 meter | | +46 72 341 7551

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