Contact center

Reinventing the contact center

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Customer experience is a strategic priority, but businesses generally focus on in-store and digital channels. Customer service and support is often missing from the discussion completely. PwC research found that nearly 80% of American consumers point to speed, convenience, knowledgeable help, and friendly service as the most important elements of a positive customer experience. This is not only true for in-store and online experiences, but also key when a customer contacts customer support. Good customer service breeds loyalty, but businesses often struggle with extending this to the contact center because their legacy infrastructure is slow and hard to update, hindering innovation. :HȴQGWKDWGLJLWL]LQJWKHFRQWDFWFHQWHULVFULWLFDO for businesses to be able to provide superior customer experiences. Customer expectations are high and advancements in customer service are moving fast to meet those expectations. Clunky, outdated solutions cannot keep up with business needs because they take too long to update and struggle to innovate. $W$PD]RQZHVWULYHWREHWKHZRUOGȇVPRVW customer-centric company, and we faced similar challenges when deciding how we would tackle FXVWRPHUVHUYLFH:HHQGHGXSGHYHORSLQJRXU RZQcloud solution, Amazon Connect, that could help us provide the best possible customer experience. Today, this same solution helps AWS customers UHWKLQNKRZWKH\LPSURYHWKHLU FXVWRPHUVȇexperience in the contact center. We have learned a lot about how to meet changing customer service QHHGVDQGΖȇGOLNHWRVKDUHKRZZH WKLQNDERXWLWtoday. Empower Agents to be Heroes We know that people reach out to contact centers to get answers to complex and sometimes urgent problems. They want answers as fast as possible. They also expect a company to know who they are DQGVXSSRUWWKHPLQDSHUVRQDOL]HGZD\7KH\GRQ W want to repeat information a company should know about them, like their name or what product they are calling about, or wait as an agent digs through overwhelming amounts of information across their RUJDQL]DWLRQWRȴQGWKHDQVZHUWKH\QHHG$JHQWV are on the front lines, and in order to make them customer heroes, they need the right information at the right time in order to provide fast and SHUVRQDOL]HGVXSSRUW:HQHHGWRHPSRZHURXU agents so they can focus on customers, not technology. When agents are assisted in understanding the issue and discovering the answer, Contact Center in the Cloud Reinventing the Contact Center How cloud contact centers are helping more organizations improve customer experience. By Peter Hill, VP of AWS Business Applications 7KLVFRQWHQWZDVSDLGIRUE\DQDGYHUWLVHU:DOO6WUHHW-RXUQDO&XVWRP&RQWHQWLVDXQLWRI7KH:DOO6WUHHW-RXUQDODGYHUWLVLQJGHSDUWPHQW 7KH:DOO6WUHHW-RXUQDOQHZVRUJDQL]DWLRQZDVQRWLQYROYHGLQWKHFUHDWLRQRIWKLVFRQWHQW

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