AWS for Industries

map transformation ebook

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6 2. Accelerate innovation and speed-to-market Financial services institutions can go from idea to implementation quickly, accelerating innovation across the front, middle, and back office. We offer a broad and deep set of over 200 services that financial services firms can use to create new cloud-native applications, from infrastructure technologies like compute, storage, and databases to emerging technologies such as machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), data lakes and analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT). We have a broad community of trusted financial services partners that provides technology and consulting solutions in banking, capital markets, insurance, and payments. Our partners include independent software vendors with purpose-built solutions for the industry, ranging from cloud-native core banking and insurance systems to low-code development tools to AI and data management platforms. And, our customers have access to innovative third-party industry software solutions through AWS Marketplace, as well as of financial datasets through AWS Data Exchange—everything from ESG ratings to cryptocurrency data. Liberty Mutual speeds time to market by going serverless To achieve its goal of becoming a global digital company and gain a competitive advantage, Liberty Mutual migrated on-premises systems to AWS and adopted a serverless-first approach to future application development. Liberty Mutual has used its serverless architecture to build several systems in just months, compared to a year or more on premises. For example, a team of four developers used serverless patterns in AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) to build an equine and livestock insurance sales and administration application in 12 weeks—three months ahead of schedule. Learn more › 6 Introduction Financial services build for the future on AWS Use case: Accelerate innovation and speed-to-market Use case: Deliver frictionless and personalized experiences Use case: Enable security, compliance, and operational resilience at scale Use case: Reduce the environmental impact of business operations Best practices to accelerate cloud transformation Move faster and more confidently with AWS Use case: Increase operational efficiency and agility

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