SCORE Journal Issue 5 - 2016

SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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SJ: Some folks on the internet talk smack and don't realize how difficult it is to do what you do. What's really involved in preparing for something like a SCORE event or a live broadcast? Dahlgren: Gosh I don't even look at that stuff. All of us announcers do the best we can. We aren't complete encyclopedias but we do our best. Sometimes the information given to us is wrong and the people think we are stupid, but it's simply because we were misinformed. I think if people had an open mind that no one isn't perfect, and take a look in the mirror when they want to say something negative about us announcers, then they would quit wasting their time typing the dumb things they say. SJ: Have you had an education on being a broadcast journalist or is this something that just came about that you've learned from experience? Dahlgren: I literally fell into announcing and don't have a degree or schooling. I just have the gift of gab. I talk! It is what I do. It's a God-given gift I guess. [She laughs]. SJ: You seem fit and healthy. How do you stay that way, and is it an important aspect of your life? Dahlgren: Oh yes, I will go crazy if I'm not taking care of myself. If I really told you what keeps me motivated to keep myself in check, fit wise, you would laugh. So I'll keep that under wraps and let 'yall wonder. SJ: Tell us about your apparel line? When did this get started and where do you hope to take it? Dahlgren: I just like to mess around with certain things, print them, and hope people will like it. So far they have, so I just released new pieces of apparel little by little. It's just something to offer for now. I won't be doing all of this when I have a family of my own so I'm doing it while I can. SJ: You've obviously been to many SCORE events and races. Are there a few memorable moments? DIANNA DAHLGREN IS SCORE'S HOST AND TV SPOKESPERSON, BUT SHE'S MOST COMFORTABLE ON A MOTORBIKE, AMONG FRIENDS LIKE SCORE PRO MOTO UNLIMITED RIDER MARK SAMUELS ON HER LEFT. 028 SCORE JOURNAL

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