Northshore Magazine

Northshore January/February 2019

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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123 I N G R E D I E N T S 3 pounds Parsnips, trimmed and peeled 1/2 stick (4 Tbsp.) Sweet butter 1/2 cups Chopped leek 1/2 cups Chopped celery 5 cloves Garlic, peeled and minced 32 ounces (4 c.) Vegetable stock 2 Bay leaves 1 Bunch fresh thyme 3 cups Heavy cream 1 pound Fresh cotechino (or other fresh pork sausage) 12 whole Medjool dates, halved and pitted D I R E C T I O N S 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Coat a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray and arrange the parsnips evenly on sheet. Roast for 45 minutes. 2. Heat the butter in a soup pot over medium Beyond bivalves, Elm Square Oyster Co. in Andover has earned a reputation for its seasonal, locally sourced New England fare, thanks to eight-year veteran chef Michael Sherman. "My cooking style is definitely mod- ern in that I try to be as innovative as possible, but with familiar ingredients." Take his parsnip soup, for example, which, like most of his soups, includes a variety of unexpected goodies for a punchy flavor and texture. "First, we put some pickled date puree on the bottom of the bowl, which is cold and offers a burst of tart and sweet," says Sherman. "On top of that we put a little 'salad' of roasted and dehydrated parsnips, and then some crispy, crunchy, salty cotechino, an Italian-style pork sausage made with orange zest. Finally, [at the table] we pour over the base, which I like to keep simple—just a mix of parsnips, broth, and half-and-half." It's exciting for the guest, continues Sherman, because they get this multi-layered treat in their bowl that transforms into something else entirely when the hot soup is poured on top. Sherman offers a different soup every few days based on what's fresh and in season. In fact, he's recently featured dessert soups, like the ruby-red fresh cranberry soup topped with green apple granita and eggnog ice cream. With the exception of bread, he makes every- thing from scratch, including bacon, sausages, mayonnaise, ketchup, and even butter for the bread service. Elm Square Oyster Co.'s Parsnip Soup with Crispy Sausage and Dates (SERVES 6) heat. Add the leek and celery and sauté until translucent, about 3 minutes. Stir in the garlic and roasted parsnips. 3. Add the vegetable stock to the pot, along with the bay leaves and thyme. Bring the soup just to a boil, reduce the heat to medium-low, and simmer 30 minutes. Remove the thyme stems and bay leaves. 4. Stir in the cream and simmer the soup 10 minutes more. Working in batches, transfer the soup to a blender and puree until smooth. Transfer back to the pot and keep warm over low heat. 5. Remove the sausage from its casing and sauté the meat in a medium nonstick skillet until browned, 8-10 minutes. 6. For each serving, place a portion of the sausage and four Medjool date halves in each bowl and top with some parsnip soup. Chef Michael Sherman's innovative soups change weekly at Elm Square Oyster Co. in Andover.

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