Northshore Magazine

Northshore January/February 2019

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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JAN + FEB 2019 NORTHSHOREMAG.COM 58 JANUARY + FEBRUARY 2019 STYLING BY THEA FOLEY FOR ANCHOR ARTISTS PHOTOGRAPH BY GLENN SCOTT DAPPER DRESS Don a handsome ensemble this season. 1. MARTIN DINGMAM SHOES, $295, Farley's of Newburyport 2. BLUE VELVET JACKET, $495, Shaban's of Andover 3. JZ POCKET SQUARE, $49, Farley's of Newburyport 4. CANALI F18 NECKTIE, $155, Giblees 5. BRIONI NECKTIE, $230, Giblees 6. MARTIN DINGMAM BELT, $105, Farley's of Newburyport 7. TORINO BLACK WAX BELT, $85, Giblees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FOR SHOP INFORMATION, SEE CREDITS PAGE 124 Men's fashion, weekender, travel accessories, glam wear

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