SCORE Journal


SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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SEAN COOK TAVO VILDOSOLA MASON CULLEN MARIO FUENTES APDALY LOPEZ RYAN PEACOCK CHAD HALL JORGE CANO WHEELER MORGAN JOE DELUCIE GIOVANNI AVILES ALAN AMPUDIA JEFF BADER PIERCE HERBST PHIL BLURTON BARRY THOMPSON LARRY ROESELER DANIEL CHAMLEE RYAN ARCIERO CODY PARKHOUSE BRAD LOVELL JUSTIN DAVIS ROBBY GORDON WILLIAM HEDRICK OSCAR ALVAREZ RICH ROBERTS JASON MCNEIL ERICK KOZIN LARRY NEGRETE SR. NICK BRUCE CHRIS MILLER WAYNE MATLOCK RYAN HANCOCK KADEN WELLS ERIC SOLORZANO KYLE JERGENSEN DAN MCMILLIN RANDY BLUTH MIKE PRATT LUKE MCMILLIN ANDY MCMILLIN JERRY LONGO SHELBY REID GIOVANNI SPINALI HOSEA STRUIKSMA DENNIS HOLLENBECK JULIE BOYER LARRY NEGRETE JR. JORDON PRICE ZAK SIZELOVE ROB MACCACHREN ROLF HELLAND A.J. JONES JAX REDLINE ANDREW MYERS VALERIE CLARK BRANDON WALSH ELIJAH KIGER PAT SIMS JESSICA LOPEZ JIM O'NEAL STERLING BECKLIN CODY REID JUSTIN LOFTON MIKE CAFRO EDWARD MUNCEY PAIGE SOHREN TREY HERNQUIST WES MILLER BROC DICKERSON ELIAS HANNA DAN FRESH MIKE WALSER JASON ALOSI BRANDON SCHUELER H. MEREDITH KRISTEN MATLOCK RANDY EMBERTON BRYCE MENZIES JUSTIN LAMBERT INTRODUCING THE NEW SCORE FAN PAGES! Your direct resource to over 1,300+ profiles of your favorite SCORE Drivers and Riders! What start- ed out as a straight-forward Racer bio and photo concept, has expanded into an amazing infor- mation source to help market the SCORE racers' Drivers / Riders of Record. Race History, Portraits, Action Photos, Videos, Points Standings It includes your SCORE Race History, portraits, action photos, SCORE videos and SCORE Journal editorial features that have been produced over the years. The time period for the included rac- ers is from 2017 to the 2021 season, which has resulted in over 1,300 racer content pages to start with! Social Media, Live Stream & SCORE Journal The new SCORE Fan Pages will enhance SCORE Social Media content, Live Stream, SCORE Journal editorial needs and SCORE TV race coverage content, as well as provide more sponsorship oppor- tunities for the racers. This will also enable outside media access to much more information and photos on the current crop of SCORE racers since 2017. Where to Connect? menu bar the SCORE App

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