ILTA 2010 Program Guide

Program Guide

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monday, august 23 Fun Walk/Run Monday, August 23: 6:30 - 7:30 a.m ARIA Main Entrance Join us for a Fun Run/Walk starting at the ARIA Resort main lobby (5k run / 3k walk). Each participant will receive an accurate time over an accurate distance. We will have a course layout and markings to show your way. __________________________________________ Monday Breakfast and Regional Tables Monday, August 23: 7:00 - 9:00 a.m. Pinyon Ballroom You are invited to the ILTA Bistro, Monday through Thursday from 7 - 9 a.m. in Pinyon Ballroom 3 & 5 - where you will enjoy hot and cold breakfast buffets. The breakfast tables will be arranged in sections identified as ILTA’s regions so that attendees have the opportunity to visit with their neighbors. At breakfast, you can review The ILTA Globe, our daily newsletter, where we’ll keep you posted on schedule changes and items of interest. Sponsored by Tata America International Corporation. __________________________________________ Opening Session and Keynote: Five Secrets to Put Strategic Unity on the Fast Track Monday, August 23: 9:00 - 10:15 a.m. Pinyon Ballroom The importance of law firms and law departments uniting their technology with the practice of law has never been clearer. These disciplines must come together as never before in order to survive and thrive in the future. ILTA members face challenges in achieving that strategic unity. Pressure for alternative fee arrangements, a need to grow the business, challenges of virtual practices and the cloud are just a few of the issues looming large. These challenges require immediate attention and action. In his lightning-paced keynote session, Jason Jennings shares the traits of the world’s most successful people and businesses that have embraced change, got everyone on the same page and made things happen fast. Jason incorporates the research his team has conducted with more than 120,000 companies and with ILTA members into a presentation that focuses on the secrets to achieving strategic unity quickly. Jason’s approach is insightful and full of case studies, personal stories and actionable takeaways. Jason’s views, captured in his four best- selling books, provide a way forward for you and your organization in your strategic unity efforts. __________________________________________ 110 ILTA 2010 Program Guide

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