Peer to Peer

September 2009

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Page 15 of 91 16 Peer to Peer FRee ONLINe TIPS AND TACTICS P rofessional development is what you make of it. You can advance your career with advanced degrees and conferences, of course. You can also add to your knowledge and skill sets simply by going online for a few minutes at a time. Here are a few of our favorite websites to visit for advice, training, news and basic information. Take a look. Thank you to Maritta Terrell, Trainer and Help Desk Specialist, Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle & Townsend PC, for contributing the lion's share of this list. ILTA SmART mOvES Toby Brown, Lisa Salazar and Greg Lambert come together in a rich mix of tech, marketing and library sciences. You'll find some good advice and some good stories here. has a "help and how- to" section full of demos, webcasts, podcasts, templates. You name it, the site has it organized by product. If you want to become a Microsoft expert, this is a good place to start some self-training. shows all the neat things that you can find and do on the Web. Multiple entries every day keep us coming back to learn about new software, new information and new inspiration. has a lot of data about Web development and design, and the authors are really enthusiastic about the tips that they hand out. is written by frequent ILTA contributor, Jenn Steele (read more of her advice in "Ask the CIO" on page 10). It's witty, quick, sensible and focused on the kinds of issues IT professionals often face. is full of quick, easy, general information, often in list form, of ways to help increase your productivity, "or simply keep you sane" in the workplace. It has plenty of "a-ha" moments, with no heavy lifting required. is the second site you should go to if you don't have time for any others. The columns are geared for legal professionals and how to get more out of your career. covers everything. Everything. It's got articles on the best free system restore tools, how to tie a "Merovingian Knot," and ways to lift your mood with food. It's all about ways to make your life easier. Many of the "hacks" are tech-related, but there's a fair amount of non-technical advice. has a layout that looks like it was designed by your kid brother, but there is a lot of information to be had from Zaid Ali Alsagoff's blog. It's all about e-learning here, so stretch your brain a little. allows you to print out the very basics on everything from Firefox to Outlook. It's handy if you're trying to teach yourself all those quick keys, and it's a gift to help out that one Luddite who refuses to learn how to "undo." tops our list, of course. Our archives contain some of the best information and advice gleaned from past articles, webinars and conferences. Look at the Manager's Knowledgebase for specific pieces on professional development. The American Bar Association's main website will always have something to read regarding continuing legal education. Now it also has downloadable MP3s so you can listen, too. Be sure you check your local state bar association's website, as well.

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