Peer to Peer

September 2009

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the quarterly magazine of ILTA 51 Peer to Peer Sailing your Own Ship My experiences Working with a Professional Coach by Amy Zangerle E ven the most accomplished person can use a little encouragement to motivate himself or herself to tackle new challenges and levels of achievement. a professional coach can help clarify short-term and long-term goals and plans for the future. Boarding the Ship Several months ago, I decided that I wanted to improve my effectiveness in my job and career. Though I've been successful in the past, I felt that I wanted to enhance and sharpen my skills in some areas to ensure that I was continuing to perform to the best of my ability. Many ideas presented themselves, but I just wasn't sure where to start. I felt that I needed someone with a neutral but interested point of view to help me prioritize the skills I needed to improve and to help me see situations in a new light. That person needed to be able to help me sort through my daily struggles and to assist me in making plans for the future. After reading a variety of articles mentioning the benefits of professional coaching, I thought I would give it a try. After all, I had nothing to lose. Charting the Course First, I needed to select a coach. My main criterion was finding a great coach: someone with whom I felt comfortable talking, someone who could understand the difficulties I was facing, and someone who could guide me toward making positive changes in my life.

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