September 2012

Fleet Management News & Business Info | Commercial Carrier Journal

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THE INS AND OUTS OF APUs O Before buying, fleets must do their homework ver the past decade or so, a lot of things have changed in trucking. One of the most problem- atic for long-haul fleets is the proliferation of anti-idling laws that have sprung up in every state and in Canada. The initial push for these laws came from communities wanting to control both noise and air pollution. But a third component – rising diesel prices – has made fleets view what used to be an annoyance as a viable method for controlling fuel and maintenance costs. But no matter what fuel prices do, exhausted drivers still need comfortable cab environments where they can relax and rest after long days behind the wheel. For that, sleepers need power – and with the primary diesel out of the picture, other options have come into play for fleets. Reducing truck idling reduces dependence on for- eign oil, increases trucking profits, improves air quality by reducing carbon dioxide emissions, provides safer and quieter driver living spaces and extends the life of trucks' main engines. 72 COMMERCIAL CARRIER JOURNAL | SEPTEMBER 2012 While truck stop electri- fication systems have seen mixed results, fleets view auxiliary power units as the solution of choice.To date, two different types of APUs have taken hold in the market: diesel-pow- ered and battery-powered units. While both have advan- tages and disadvantages in terms of operation, they also do a good job of providing drivers with a comfortable overnight environment. Diesel or battery? When it comes to com- paring diesel and electric BY JACK ROBERTS APUs, the choice depends on the fleet's specific needs. "APU performance depends on the driver, the season and the climate – as well as whether there is major solar load to contend with," says Robert The choice between a diesel- or electric- powered unit depends on many factors.

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