SCORE Journal


SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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A CUT ABOVE Lasernut Fabricates SCORE’s 2024 Season Awards By Dan Sanchez At the 2023 SCORE Awards Gala, held January 20th, 2024, many of the season’s champions were presented with new and amazing metal-fabricated awards designed and created by Lasernut Fabrication. Featuring a silhouette of the Baja Peninsula behind the 50th Anniversary SCORE logo, these were the newest addition to a history of unique awards by SCORE International given to season champions and for special recognition. Lasernut is based in Norco, California, and is well-known in the off-road industry. Its owner, Cody Waggoner, is an off-road racer, which at first helped introduce him to a multitude of off-road component manufacturers from which he developed relationships over the years. Known for its use of precision laser metal cutters, Waggoner says they purchased their first laser cutter in 2006 after he and his dad had been making powder coating equipment for 20 years. When the off-road industry began to boom, their business increased and the company expanded to what it is today. A walk inside starts with the computer design center where CAD and other drawings are made or input into the system. On the manufacturing floor, there are a multitude of the latest laser cutters, precision press-brake metal benders, and skilled TIG and MIG welders who also do things by hand. In the center is a robotic welder, used for jobs that require multiple and consistent welds on hundreds of parts. While many fabrication shops have metal shavings, slag, and oil on the ground, the Lasernut facility is immaculate, with everything organized to optimize the manufacturing process as well as safety. When it came to creating the SCORE Awards, Lasernut began with the design process, selecting the raw materials, and using one of the many precision laser metal cutters in this facility. The company also created the press conference table used at the Off-Road Expo for autograph signing last October, and along with the 2023 awards already presented, Lasernut will continue to create awards for the 2024 season. For more information on Lasernut, visit SJ

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