AWS for Industries

4 fortify security ebook

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11 Maintain strong control of your data Data doesn't do much good if it's difficult to access. With AWS, financial services institutions can build on the most secure global infrastructure, knowing that they own and control access to their data, including the ability to encrypt it, move it, and manage retention. The fine-grained access controls built into AWS provide financial services institutions with the confidence that the right resources have the right level of access to the right data. In addition, AWS infrastructure is designed for customers to retain complete control over where their data is physically located, helping them meet data residency requirements. National Australia Bank (NAB) is adopting a cloud-first strategy on AWS to build new services that will deliver better experiences and financial outcomes to its 9 million customers around the globe. To help protect all of its AWS workloads and safeguard customer data in the cloud, NAB uses Amazon GuardDuty, a fully managed intelligent threat detection service that continuously monitors account activity for malicious or unauthorized behavior. Navigating a shifting landscape Embrace AWS best practices Ensure the highest standards Reduce risk through automation Maintain control of your data The power of AWS AWS delivers Secure in the cloud AWS shared responsibilty model Introduction EMBRACE AWS BEST PRACTICES

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