AWS for Industries

4 fortify security ebook

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13 The big picture: The power of AWS—the world's most trusted cloud Accelerate innovation confidently—move from idea to action faster Financial services institutions can go from idea to implementation quickly and confidently with AWS solutions and services. Our deep security capabilities and focus on automation give financial services institutions the resources they need to "build it right" from the beginning and optimize the effort they spend on innovation while also maintaining the highest level of security. Build operational resiliency AWS is a valuable partner for financial services institutions as they face new requirements to demonstrate operational resilience. We purposefully build to guard against disruptions and incidents and account for them in the design of our services—so when they do occur, their impact on customers and the continuity of services is as minimal as possible. The AWS Region and Availability Zone model has been recognized by Gartner as the recommended approach for running enterprise applications that require high availability. • AWS infrastructure is geographically dispersed over five continents. It includes 31 geographic Regions, which are composed of 99 AWS Availability Zones that, in turn, include multiple data centers. • AWS Availability Zones are physically separated and independent from each other and built with highly redundant networking to withstand local disruptions. • AWS Regions are isolated from each other, and each Region has a dedicated infrastructure stack and services so that a disruption in one Region does not cause disruption in others. Compared with global financial institutions' on-premises environments today, the locational diversity of AWS infrastructure greatly reduces geographic concentration risk. • AWS employs compartmentalization throughout our infrastructure and services and has multiple constructs that provide different levels of independent, redundant components. • AWS uses cell-based architecture that contains multiple instantiations of a service—which are isolated from each other. This design minimizes the chance that a disruption in one cell would disrupt other cells. Scaling cyber event recovery Financial services institutions are building their cyber event recovery platforms on AWS because it's so easy to build a cyber data vault in minutes rather than the months it takes to build on premises. They can start small and pay only for what they use and then scale with the growth of data. They can also use multiple security services to build a modern cyber event recovery platform. Navigating a shifting landscape Embrace AWS best practices Ensure the highest standards Reduce risk through automation Maintain control of your data The power of AWS AWS delivers Secure in the cloud AWS shared responsibilty model Introduction FortifyingFSI_ebook-Folder

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