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INDIE / ROCK Issue 57 / 2013 IEW V R TE N I 31 7 Andy Jordan Guestlist speaks to one of the cast from Made in Chelsea. The reality star meets us in Chelsea on his leopard print skateboard (with leopard print shoes to match). We discuss his time on Made in Chelsea and his venture into music. Annalisemarguerita | We know you from Made in Chelsea but today we wanted to talk to you a bit about music. We hear you have a single out – could you tell us a bit about that? Yeah, so I've recently released a single called "A Whole Lot of Water" and it's just kind of a bopping along, get you up in the morning, track that I hope is quite a reflection of my personality! What's it about? It's about not really knowing what to do in life, and sort of staying relaxed about that. So it's like "A Whole Lot of Water" is a metaphor for all of the different things that go on in life. Bizarrely, I got really pissed one night and wrote it, and woke up the next morning and I had it recorded on my phone. That's how it came about. So when did you first pick up a guitar? I first picked up a guitar on my gap year. We were in Mexico and we found this guitar for a tenner and so we bought it and decided to take it on the rest of the trip. I was so unnatural and so bad at it that I didn't play it for the rest of that year! I think I strummed like four chords. Then I took it to university with me and that's when I really started playing. Is that when you started song-writing as well? Yeah they kind of came in quick succession actually, partly because I am so bad at guitar that I can't play other peoples' tracks - so I was like I better just make my own! you are able to do it because you're in Made in Chelsea? Or would you have done it anyway? I think I would have done it anyway. I don't know whether I would have necessarily put my eggs in that basket, if you know what I mean, so I don't know if I would have pursued it in the same way that I am now. Through doing Made in Chelsea I have developed a better confidence in front of a crowd. can't call yourself a musician unless you can do it live. So we have to talk a little bit about Made in Chelsea. It's obviously a very exciting show to be a part of, what would you say your biggest moments have been, what's really stood out for you? For me, the stand out moment was my first ever episode. I jumped on a plane to Saint Tropez and then they " I got pissed one night and wrote it, and woke up the next morning and I had it recorded on my phone " Who are your favourite artists, who do you go and see when you watch some gigs? I have such an eclectic mix. I loved watching Justin Timberlake - I saw him at Wireless this year and I was absolutely blown away. I love soul and blues music so that sort of inspires what I do with music as well. Now you're making a career in music, do you feel that So do you want to be a gigging musician? Would you ever want to record an album or an EP? I would record an album purely on the basis of promoting a tour. I think my favourite thing about music is live music. I don't think these days that you can get enough out of recorded music that you can from a live show. I think that's where the magic in music happens, and I think, you know, you asked me to walk down a boardwalk, meet a girl and chat to her. I was terrified and just walked straight in and thought "oh my god - this is on camera!". That was a really big moment for me - seeing myself and remembering how it was filming it to then seeing it on TV. Is it really weird watching yourself back? Yeah I hate it! I hate watching myself in the episode - I really enjoy filming it though. I hate watching it back because you don't think about what you're filming when you film. You're like "hey this is fun with my friends!" and then you watch it back and you're like; "oh god, what have I done?!" Who would you say are your best friends that you hang out with offset? So my best friends offset are Lucy and Stevie. But we all hang out a lot actually, off-camera. I spend an awful lot of time with Proudlock - I think we are similar in terms of our interests. Have they been supportive of your music, are they very interested in what you're doing? Yeah they have actually - Stevie loves it and I'm hoping to get him on a track because Stevie can rap. It will blow you away. No-one knew that he could do it, we were joking around and we started having a rap battle. Stevie started spitting lyrics for like five minutes straight, and we all thought it was incredible and he was like "yeah I rap, and what?". Follow @AndyJordan01