Interactive 2014

SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide

SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide: Tomorrow Happens Here

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SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival 74 75 SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival ART, SCIENCE & INSPIRATION OMNI AUSTIN DOWNTOWN HOTEL: 700 SAN JACINTO BOULEVARD FRIDAY, MARCH 7 3:30 PM Omni Downtown: Capital Ballroom Open Source Licenses for Makers & Humans Open source has collaboration and sharing as its heart and soul. Whether code, hardware, or art, open source uses licenses to protect your legal rights while permit- ting others to participate in the process. Come learn how copyright, trademarks, and patents interact in the open source universe, and how to make the best choices for your projects. Tom Callaway Solo • Intermediate • #fosslegal 3:30 PM Omni Downtown: Lone Star Taking the Collaborative Economy to Space Jeremiah Owyang has shown that the future of business lies in the collaborative econ- omy, "an economic model of shared ownership and access between people, startups and corporations all working together." Our panelists will discuss the strengths and opportunities for today's space economy and envision what the new space economy will look like within the construct of a collaborative economy. Alex Hall, Anousheh Ansari, Bob Richards, Ruben Nunez Panel • Intermediate • #SpaceECON 5:00 PM Omni Downtown: Capital Ballroom Made with China: Hackers, Makers & Manufacturers China, who is often portrayed as an enormous factory that pumps out products invent- ed elsewhere, is transitioning and playing a significant role in changes to industrial production and hardware innovation. Explore China's alternative version of innovation and how their history of open manufacturing will change not only what we understand by making, but also where we locate innovation. Silvia Lindtner Solo • Intermediate • #WithChina 5:00 PM Omni Downtown: Lone Star Space Tech Startups that Will Change Everything The space industry inspires us to dream and has spent billions of dollars to overcome incredible challenges. CEO of Astrotech Corporation will talk about discovering how to improve the lives on earth with technology developed in the stars; the process of spacetech commercialization; and profile incredible technology that we believe repre- sents one giant leap for mankind. Thomas Pickens Solo • Intermediate • #SpaceTech SATURDAY, MARCH 8 9:30 AM Omni Downtown: Longhorn Not Dead Yet: How Technology Is Saving Poetry The technological era presents a major challenge to poetry: brains accustomed to digital speeds are trained to consume information quickly, to scan through lists and posts looking for usable content. Join this panel to learn about a new crop of thinkers who are using technology to expand poems into experiences created specifically to appeal to the fast-moving, digital-era mind. Andrew Kessler, David O'Brien, David Shook, Mandy Kahn Panel • Beginner • #PoetTech 9:30 AM Omni Downtown: Capital Ballroom Inspired Design: Meditation & Creativity As creators and builders, we push ourselves to the limits, driving change through our ideas. Carrying this responsibility requires a big vision, energy and the ability to face uncertainty with courage and equanimity. Meditation is not only an amazing tool to clear the mind, it also rewires the way we operate to keep us in a space of creativity, energy and clarity. Gopika Prabhu Solo • Intermediate • #DesignMind 9:30 AM Omni Downtown: Lone Star Engaged Brains: What Do We Really Know? With expertise in brain modeling, brain imaging, learning and human behavior, as well as human brain aging, we will engage in an audience driven discussion of the current state of brain science and what it really says about 'neuro-marketing'. Alfredo Fontanini, Jim Bower, Veronica Galvan Panel • Beginner • #TheBrain 11:00 AM Omni Downtown: Longhorn Wrapping the World with Light Projection mapping is a tool for blending the digital realm and physical world. Using mapping software, artists find clever and startling ways to map projected images onto three dimensional spaces. This panel will cover the technology behind projection map- ping, view some of the work being produced by artists, and discuss how to conceive content that can best be expressed through this medium. Chad Hutson, Jarrett Smith, Sougwen Chung, Tony Romain Panel • Intermediate • #projmap 11:00 AM Omni Downtown: Capital Ballroom Live from Space! Talk with Astronauts in Orbit This session will provide the opportunity for you to talk with space, and ask about the science work they're conducting on station and using technology to communicate with us down here on the ground. You will also discover how NASA has fundamentally changed the way it communicates with the public and how you can join the community of space geeks from around the world. John Yembrick Dual • Beginner • #InOrbit 11:00 AM Omni Downtown: Lone Star Turning a Blank Page into a Winning Idea At the start of almost any venture—whether it's a New Yorker cartoon or a Fortune-500 product launch—is a blank page and a person holding a pen. Moderated by Blogads CEO Henry Copeland, this panel brings together two masters of the art of scribbling on a blank page—New Yorker cartoonist Matthew Diffee and JB Hopkins, ideation specialist at Edelman PR. Henry Copeland, JB Hopkins, Matthew Diffee Panel • Intermediate • #whiteboard 11:00 AM Omni Downtown: Austin Storytelling in Today's World; How Stories Heal Public storytelling is now an accessible medium that functions to entertain, build community and facilitate healing. Through various storytelling mediums, people seek comfort in the chronicles of others. It is through storytelling that relationships and communities are built. And it is because of stories that people heal. Sadie Smythe, Stirling Gardner Core Conversation • Intermediate • #StoryHeal 12:30 PM Omni Downtown: Longhorn The Subjective Objective: Building Maker Media Exploring how to build a localized media that supports and strengthens independent artistic and maker communities through digital content and commerce free of com- modification. The sum of honest subjective expression among individuals creates the most objective picture to understand the objective truth about a community. Nicole Brydson Solo • Intermediate • #makermedia 12:30 PM Omni Downtown: Capital Ballroom Entropy & the Internet of Useful Things Where should we look for the inspiration to create connected products that are truly important? Thermodynamics—the balance of order and disorder in the universe—can help us. The Internet of Things is our first opportunity to do this ourselves. Thinking about situations in thermodynamic terms can help us identify the ways this exciting technology can move beyond a fad to prove genuinely useful. Ross Atkin Solo • Intermediate • #IoTEntropy FESTIVAL SESSIONS

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