Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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Durable Income. Durable Legacy. So how do we do things differently? Frankly, wouldn't it make sense to find "best of class" portfolio managers, who have proven records, manage money privately, efficiently, and effectively, and let them seek gains and be mindful to market conditions? That makes sense to us too. We seek to work with managers to manage risk, to provide durable income, and to grow portfolios. Our stable of trusted institutional managers have long-term, proven performance records and they handle portfolios that are not over-sized, and henceforth, do not dilute their best thinking. In many cases they are managers who are able to adapt swiftly and adroitly if market conditions suggest so. In all cases, our managers are transparent and cost efficient. That's what we offer our clients. For information about the time and location of our next Economic Summit or for more information about how we construct our clients' portfolios, please call us or visit us on the web at Creating income that will last over the span of your lifetime is vital. But this does not mean throwing all of your retirement money into an overpriced annuity; nor does it mean loading up on bonds in a low- interest rate environment. Bonds lose money as rates rise. In such an environment, bulking up on long-term bonds could be potentially disastrous. Nor does it mean chasing indexed performance with "Big Box" mutual funds. Those managers have so much capital to deploy that their best ideas are often diluted by the abundance of capital that gets invested in mediocre ones. This excessive diversification frequently leads to generic, indexed performance at what can be higher costs and fees to the investor. Managing Financial Risk and Managing Sustainable Family Wealth Rick McDonald President 781.246.0222 | | 301 Edgewater Place, Suite 410, Wakefield MA, 01880