Northshore Magazine

November 2014

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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90 November 2014 Lori Kyler Christensen, Kelly Schetszle and Julie Fairweather Coastal Windows & Exteriors Flipping Boston Viewing Party Kings, Lynnfield,September 10 Scene ne Joe Schulte and Deana Manfra Coastal Windows & Exteriors Flipping Boston Viewing Party Kings, Lynnfield, September 10 Morgan Healey and Vanessa Gatlin dresscode 10th Anniversary Celebration dresscode, Andover, September 11 Nicol Gallant and Amy Finegold dresscode 10th Anniversary Celebration dresscode, Andover, September 11 Pam DeMichaelis dresscode 10th Anniversary Celebration Dresscode, Andover, September 11 $ for more photos and a peek inside the party nshore David and Stephanie Vanderbilt Coastal Windows & Exteriors Flipping Boston Viewing Party Kings, Lynnfield, September 10 Kate Daskalakis and Juliana DeLuca dresscode 10th Anniversary Celebration dresscode, Andover, September 11 Johnna and Sean D'Urso dresscode 10th Anniversary Celebration dresscode, Andover, September 11 Photographs by Sarah Phillips snapshots Autumn Affairs seasonal celebrations Between the fashion show held in honor of dresscode's 10th Anniversary in downtown Andover and Coastal Windows & Exteriors Flipping Boston's VIP Viewing Party at Kings in Lynnfield, there was no shortage of entertainment for North Shore residents looking for a good time in September. Dave Seymour, Amy Grishman, and Peter Soulheris Coastal Windows & Exteriors Flipping Boston Viewing Party Kings, Lynnfield, September 10

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