The Wolverine

December 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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  BASKETBALL RECRUITING BY CHRIS BALAS A t one point it appeared the class of 2015 could be a boon for Michi- gan basketball. Head coach John Beilein and his staff, though, have had the luxury of being extremely picky thanks to a six-man 2014 class that ap- pears to be very good, while some of the top targets they've pursued have chosen to go elsewhere. U-M led at one point for Franklin, Ohio, five-star shooting guard Luke Kennard (6-5,'s No. 24 senior nationally), but he ended up at Duke. Five-star point guard Jalen Brunson (6-1, No. 15 senior in the country) also had Michigan near the top, but he liked the depth chart better at the other schools on his list, eventu- ally settling on Villanova. The latest to head elsewhere is Co- lumbia (S.C.) Spring Valley shooting guard P.J. Dozier (6-6, No. 34 prospect in the land), who chose South Caro- lina over Michigan, North Carolina, Georgetown and Louisville. "He's going to have to figure out which way he wants to go. Does he want to go ahead and leave town and do it from there or stay here?" his fa- ther, former South Carolina player Perry Dozier, said in the days leading up to his son's decision. "I think all the schools are great, and it's just him try- ing to figure out which way he wants to go." Dozier 's uncle and sister also played at South Carolina, so the fam-   BASKETBALL RECRUITING Michigan Is Still Pursuing A Few Seniors Marietta (Ga.) Wheeler small forward Jaylen Brown,'s No. 2 senior nationally, has expressed an interest in Michigan. PHOTO COURTESY RIVALS.COM

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