The Wolverine

December 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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BY BRANDON BROWN H ere is a brief overview of where U-M's fall Olym- pic sports stood halfway through November. All re- sults and polls are as of Nov. 16. MEN'S CROSS COUNTRY The Michigan men's cross country team, ranked No. 12 nationally in the U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association poll, has earned an at-large bid to the NCAA Champi- onships, Nov. 22 in Terre Haute, Ind. … The Wolverines, led by a seventh- place finish by redshirt junior Mason Ferlic and a 10th-place showing by sophomore Ben Flanagan, finished third out of 30 teams at the Great Lakes Regional in Madison, Wis., Nov. 14. The top two teams, Wiscon- sin and Michigan State, received au- tomatic bids to the 31-team NCAA Championships … "It's not where we wanted to finish," said head coach Kevin Sullivan. "If I just looked at the results I'd say it's disappoint- ing, but we came in today with one guy sick and we had two guys fall at the 6K mark. That was tough for guys to recover from. We're better than we showed today." … Michigan finished second in the Big Ten Cham- pionships, Nov. 2, in Iowa City, Iowa, for the third straight year … Ferlic, a cross country All-American in 2013, took fourth in the meet to earn first- team All-Big Ten honors … Flanagan received second-team All-Big Ten rec- ognition with his 13th place finish. WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY U-M's No. 8 nationally ranked women's cross country team earned an at-large bid to the NCAA Champi- onships, Nov. 22 in Terre Haute, Ind., after placing fourth out of 32 teams at the NCAA Great Lakes Regional in Madison, Wis., on Nov. 14. The top two finishers at the regional au- tomatically qualified for the national meet … Senior Brook Handler placed seventh to earn All-Great Lakes Re- gional honors for the third straight OLYMPIC SPORTS ROUNDUP Checking In On How The Wolverines Have Fared This Fall

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