The Wolverine

December 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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WINNING IS THE BOTTOM LINE Dear The Wolverine: Would all the members of the Wolverine Nation who were not suckered by the Fire David Brandon hysteria please stand up. As I write this I am standing, because I firmly believe that former athletic director Brandon's obviously forced resigna- tion was not the result of anything he did or said, but because our foot- ball team has a losing record. It was tragic that it seemed like someone had to be the scapegoat. Admittedly, it was difficult to keep a clear head during September and October of this season. Watching Team 135 get manhandled by Notre Dame and MSU was emotionally similar to hearing someone insult one of my children or watching someone kick my dog. Many of us have been unwittingly influenced by unscrupulous sports journalists, bloggers, and radio talk- ers who have abandoned the docu- mentation of the truth in favor of exaggerating the perceived feelings of Michigan football fans in order to gain an audience and advance their personal agendas. Shame on them! I am grateful that the writers of this magazine are not among them. The State Of The Program article in the November issue inspired me to con- tinue to be patient with coach Brady Hoke and his staff. I am an average Wolverine fan in humble little Kalamazoo, trying to evaluate the validity of the ac- cusations against Mr. Brandon. The   FROM OUR READERS Former athletic director David Brandon became a controversial figure before he resigned, and some readers felt he was unfairly forced out of his job. PHOTO BY PER KJELDSEN

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