SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing
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SCORE NEWS Muck Daddy bioengineered hand cleaner announced a partnership with SCORE International, to become the "Official Hand Cleaner of SCORE." Muck Daddy is an eco-friendly and 100 percent sustainable industrial strength hand cleaner. The proprietary ingredients in Muck Daddy removes oil, grease, and grime in seconds, yet leaves hands conditioned and with less cracking. "Muck Daddy is proud to be the official hand cleaner of SCORE," said Jennifer Mathias, Head of Marketing at Muck Daddy. "Our superior degreasing products, scrubbing wipes, including hand cleaners (pumice and smooth), contain a breakthrough cleaning ingredient bioengineered from sugarcane. It's a high performance, eco-friendly alternative to harsh traditional cleaners. The products smell The El Nino storms have recently brought lots of rain to many parts of the West Coast. During one of these storms last week, several vehicles were left stranded in deep water that happened to be in front of the Off Road Warehouse store, where SCORE Trophy Truck Spec. racer Elias Hanna works. According to Wally Palmer, an employee at Off Road Warehouse, some of the vehicles were trapped and could be seen bobbing up and down in the water. When word go to Elias, he grabbed one of the company vehicles, a lifted Jeep JK Wrangler, and began pushing the vehicles with their drivers inside, to safetly. "We saw people in danger and we just thought we could help get them out of the way," said Hanna. The SCORE Trophy Truck Spec. driver had no problem reaching the vehicles that were disabled in an estimated three-feet of water. To watch the NBC San Diego video broadcast of Hanna's rescue click here MUCK DADDY BECOMES OFFICIAL HAND CLEANER OF SCORE INTERNATIONAL SCORE RACER TO THE RESCUE fresh, feel great, and tear through all kinds of dirty, greasy muck, without tearing up your hands." "We're looking forward to working with Muck Daddy as a SCORE partner," said Jim Ryan SCORE Marketing & Sales Director. "The company's products fit perfectly into our desert racing family of racers and will no-doubt perform exceptionally well in the harsh desert racing environment." Photographed from left to right is SCORE Marketing & Sales Director Jim Ryan, Jason Voogt, VP Performance Materials Amyris Inc., and Jennifer Mathias, Head of Marketing, Muck Daddy. For more information on Muck Daddy products, visit 06 SCORE JOURNAL